Йеннифер косплей / смешные картинки и другие приколы: комиксы, гиф

Witchman 3 Cosple

A hot Friday for ChinaJoy 2017. It has not been as hot as 36°C as it has been in the afternoon: For breakfast at the hotel today is a little Thai. I tried Chinese, Japanese and something before. I'm afraid to approach Malaysia. We'll be up at 6:00 A.M. Gale, since you have to put the makeup on it, it's 5:00 in the morning. Also, I got a picture of my unseen friends on almost any trip: laptop, mouse, an e-camera with a stabilizer (for once, thank you for the donats on the stripes). The Chinese felt almost a billion on the Gwynth wall today. A small container with food was released at lunch by the cosples Who works is eating! Ben's Witness (understanding German-speaking cosperer) wasn't there for a reason today, wanted to close the picture of his snakes. Maybe tomorrow.