The surprises of the inhabitants of the science fence, which is unsuitable to Japanese culture, were presented by the organizers of the Natalia Rybnikov festival and Catherine Vyazemsky in an interview with the 360 television channel.
♪ Explain to the non-disposed: what do you mean? How often do you dress like that?
Natalia Rybnikov: I'm in the Panda kigurums now. First of all, the kigurums are pajamas, house clothes. You don't really go around town. I appear in this outfit quite rarely. Last year, it was hosted by the Duben Festival of Anim. It's a panda, because I've got nothing in the world about Lily Panda. I made it up to myself. I really like these animals funny.
Ekaterina Viazem: I don't just have white pants and green fat. It's a suited crutch. There's no problem walking around the street. He means a lot. These colours are traditional for the Legion of Intelligence in the Animal Ataka of Titans. Tool with appropriate emblem and hieroglyphics that define the name. Ownership of mine Animal suit He doesn't look in the eye, but he knows everything.
♪ Where's the Japanese culture coming from? Why?
Natalia Fishnikov: I've been in the '90s. You can say I'm standing at the source of animosculture in Russia. Watching Sailor Moon and the Pokes. I was in animated at the time by the quality of the drawing, which is very small for Russian cartoons. Like the fingers, eyes, the details of the clothes, the adorable sky, the background! Now that I've grown up, I know that there are very important and interesting topics. They teach goodness, love, justice. Very interesting.
Ekaterina Viazem: I'm very interested in the animation that this world is radically different, from zero, created, different from reality. In some animosities, there is little reality: creatures that are not available, countries, amazing names of heroes that are impossible in life. Every time something new, something exciting, like a fairy tale. They're multi-serial films, they're stalling, wanting to keep looking.