Rental Of Suits
Young people and girls dressed in Western mullets, computer games and comics are hardly surprising today. Festivals in the Russian Federation are tens of times a month, and the popularity of this hobby is growing rapidly. Who's behind the big industry, why are teenagers wearing human spider masks and plastic light swords, what's the danger and usefulness of a strange game?
On the eve of Russia ' s Day, on 10 and 11 June, in Petersburg, the Grand Festival of Comeiks, Cosple and Nostalgia took place in the Museum of Street Art. The main guest was the founder of the legendary Ninja Church, Kevin Eastman. The event went with a scale. Hundreds of billions of dollars are the turnover of the world cosple industry. The suits (this word is: the English translation, the " code game " ), the makeup, the accessories are very expensive.
Transnational media outlets spend giant money on the promotion of hobby, contain specially prominent cosples, and sponsors festivals. For what?
How it all started.
The home of the cosple is Japan, the roots of the phenomenon should be found in the molts of anim. If the details are to be deleted, the small island country has developed the ideological experience of saturation of a different visual pattern: the patriots who are among the Japanese are still resisting the influence of the Hollywood standards, but the new generation looks less like the children of Amaters: we are dealing with synthetic, calibrated creatures. Extreme eyes, unproportional parts of the body, weird face features are a good addition to bright suits.
What's the benefit? The first thing that comes to mind is the advancement of the American filmmaker, namely, the many souvenir and other products that are sold to fans every year. Looks like? Not really. As it turns out, there is little money in the Russian coin, so it is not possible to explain its popularity to commercial reasons.